Our services
contract-to-close- $425
Buyer Side:
Open File
Ensure that the offer is complete and signed.
Confirm that all terms are correct (price, contingencies, closing dates, etc.)
Provide the buyer with an outline of the process, what to expect, and key deadlines.
Follow up regularly to ensure the loan process is moving forward smoothly.
Coordinate scheduling of inspections and appraisals, if necessary
Send earnest money instructions to buyer
Ensure that all dates (inspection deadlines, loan approval deadlines, etc.) are adhered to.
Follow up on repairs and obtain receipts/paid invoices
Double-check closing date, time, and location with all involved parties.
Schedule and confirm the buyer's final walk-through of the property, ensuring any required repairs were completed.
Review settlement statements
Coordinate key transfer
Seller Side:
Open File
Follow up on all required signatures
Distribute the accepted offer to the seller, listing agent, escrow, and other relevant parties.
Obtain HOA documents
Communicate with the buyer's agent, escrow, and title to ensure any contingency removals or extensions are documented.
Upload forms, amendments and addendums for compliance
Confirm scheduled dates for buyer’s inspections and appraisals.
MLS updates
Communicate closing date & time with seller
Review the settlement statement to ensure all financial details align with the terms of the contract.
Coordinate with the escrow company to ensure the seller has everything needed for closing.
Coordinate sign removal (if applicable)
Coordinate key transfer
*Dual-Agency: services are included from both buyer and seller side as applicable per the transaction- $525
listing coordination- $200
Ensure all signatures have been obtained for listing agreement
Gather necessary documentation including disclosures and HOA documents (if applicable)
Introduction email to seller(s), reviewing role/responsiblities
Coordinate photoshoot and sign set-up (if applicable)
Confirm lockbox placement
Obtain agent approval of MLS listing
Upload listing in MLS
Set up showing instructions
Coordinate open houses
MLS updates
compliance- $100
Obtain login instructions from agent
Review and obtain required signatures
Upload completed and signed documents into compliance system throughout course of transaction
mls input- $100
Ensure property details are correct and complete
Work with agent to review property details, features and description
Upload approved photos and videos for the listing
Upload disclosures and additional documents
Include any HOA fees
Input open house information and set showing schedule
Confirm price and property status
Confirm listing is live and update status throughout transaction
Quickly correct any errors